Man kan höra att våren är på gång... fåglarnas olika, men lika vackra, sång ekar i skogsgläntorna. Rådjuren småstångas på åkern vid skogskanten...
You can hear that spring is on its way ... the birdsong are different but equally beautiful, echoes in forest glades. The deers are butting on the field at the edge of the woods ...
You can hear that spring is on its way ... the birdsong are different but equally beautiful, echoes in forest glades. The deers are butting on the field at the edge of the woods ...
...och krokusen sträcker sig upp mot vårsolens ljus.
...and crocus extends towards the spring sunlight.
Ta en promenad i naturen och upplev den riktiga vårkänslan.
Take a walk in nature and experience the real sense of spring.
Take a walk in nature and experience the real sense of spring.
// Bappel
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